Terms and conditions of use


The www.holyowly.com site is the property of Kids MBA France, a public limited company, with a share capital of €13,820, registered in the Besançon Trade and Companies Register, whose registered office is located at: Village by CA, 7 place Saint Jacques 25000 Besançon


The Holy Owly website is hosted by the company OVH whose Head Office is located 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France.


The information contained in this site does not constitute commercial offers of products or services and shall not have any contractual value. The content of the pages, distributed for information purposes only, does not engage the responsibility of the site's publisher.

Intellectual property rights

The Kids MBA company is the owner of all the elements constituting the website, i.e. the general structure, texts, images animated or not as well as any other element composing this website. Any total or partial reproduction of this website or of any of these elements, for a fee or free of charge, by any means whatsoever, is prohibited. The Kids MBA website is protected by copyright.

Personal data

The rules relating to the protection of personal data processed by the company Kids MBA France are available here:
Personal data protection policy


Hyperlinks set up on the website to other resources do not engage the responsibility of Kids MBA, in particular its responsibility, with regard to the entire content of other direct or indirect resources. Concerning the hyperlinks that may point to this site, Kids MBA is open to this practice insofar as this linking has a positive vocation, is in line with the services offered by Kids MBA and that an express and prior authorization has been given by Kids MBA to do so.

Technical disclaimer

For the proper conduct of the user's navigation on this site, the latter acknowledges:having the necessary competence and means to access and use this site. The user of the website acknowledges having verified that the computer configuration used does not contain any virus and that it is in perfect working order. The minimum configuration required is the following: screen resolution 1024x768, Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 browser.x having read the present legal notice and committing to respect it.having been informed that the website is accessible 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, except in cases of force majeure, computer difficulties, difficulties related to telecommunications networks or technical difficulties which could not be blamed on Kids MBA. Indeed, for maintenance reasons, access to the website may be interrupted but Kids MBA will do its best to warn users in advance. Kids MBA and its partners cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage that may result from accessing or using the site, including inaccessibility, loss of data, deterioration, destruction or viruses that may affect the user's computer equipment, and/or the presence of viruses on its site.

Law applicable in case of dispute and jurisdiction

The law applicable to the www.holyowly.com site is French law. In the event of a dispute, any dispute will be under the exclusive jurisdiction of the commercial court of the court of Paris.

Cookies 🍪

Holy owly cookies

Our cookies 🍪 won't give your kids cavities, but they do allow us to serve you tailored advertising and perform metrics to improve your experience on the site learn more